Nona Jones Is “Killing Comparison”

How many times a day do we compare ourselves to others, especially those we see on social media. I don’t want to think about it. Nona Jones is one of us in that regard, and is opening up about the struggle in her new book, Killing Comparison. I’d never heard of Nona before, but she’sContinue reading “Nona Jones Is “Killing Comparison””

Mandy Hale’s “Turn Toward The Sun”

The last couple years have been tough for pretty much everyone, and we’re seeing more books hitting shelves as authors process that time on the page. Mandy Hale is no exception with her new release, Turn Toward The Sun. She’s known online as “The Single Woman”, but dating relationships aren’t the primary focus this timeContinue reading “Mandy Hale’s “Turn Toward The Sun””

“Embrace Your Almost” With Jordan Lee Dooley

I was first introduced to Jordan Lee Dooley when my book club opted for her first book, Own Your Everyday shortly after it was published in 2019. I listened to the entire audiobook while working at the bookstore… twice… in two days. It just hit right. Since then, I’ve listened to her podcast, SHE, prettyContinue reading ““Embrace Your Almost” With Jordan Lee Dooley”

Tim Tebow Believes in “Mission Possible”

I am a sucker for Tim Tebow. I don’t care if you love him or hate him. He’s done a lot of really great things with his life. I fondly remember my whole dorm floor gushing about him when I was a freshman K-State and he was a sophomore at Florida. It wasn’t like weContinue reading “Tim Tebow Believes in “Mission Possible””

Apolo Ohno Makes a “Hard Pivot” After Olympics

When you were a kid, did you walk around slightly hunched and swinging one arm after the Olympics? Or am I the only one who imitated winter Olympians? Ok. It’s just me. I was (am) a dork. Whatever. Anyways, I was slightly obsessed with Apolo Anton Ohno and his bandana-wrapped long hair as a child,Continue reading “Apolo Ohno Makes a “Hard Pivot” After Olympics”

Jess Connelly and “Breaking Free From Body Shame”

You know those books that sit on your shelf, staring at you because you know you need to read it because it’s important, but you know it’s gonna be a bit uncomfortable? Welp, that’s Breaking Free From Body Shame: Dare To Reclaim What God Has Named Good by Jess Connolly. Jess shares stories from herContinue reading “Jess Connelly and “Breaking Free From Body Shame””

Lindsay Istace Teaches “Rage Yoga”

Yoga has never been my thing. Still isn’t, honestly. I’m not a person with a long attention span or patience, so I get bored fast. Seeing Rage Yoga in bold, red letters on the cover of Lindsay Istace’s book intrigued me, and I went in pretty hopeful. I appreciate Istace’s brash, raw voice on theContinue reading “Lindsay Istace Teaches “Rage Yoga””

Dave Hollis is “Built Through Courage”

If you’re a Hollis Hater, just skip this one. I am not here for the drama. Dave Hollis is back with his second book, Built Through Courage, which is a nautical-themed map of some challenges he’s faced and how he’s worked through them. This includes touching on his decision to leave a successful career withContinue reading “Dave Hollis is “Built Through Courage””

Matt Haig Gives Perspective in “The Comfort Book”

I was a bit nervous about reading Matt Haig’s new title The Comfort Book because The Midnight Library kinda sent me into a bit of a dark funk. (See bottom of this post for thoughts on that book.) But, I sucked it up and cracked open this new one and I’m glad I did. TheContinue reading “Matt Haig Gives Perspective in “The Comfort Book””

Mandy Hale Says Don’t Believe The Swipe When Dating Online

As promised to those of you following @literaryhypewoman on Instagram (as you should!), this week I’m taking a look at Mandy Hale’s fifth release, Don’t Believe The Swipe. You might know her better as “The Single Woman” who has appeared on national news outlets, including Good Morning America as one of its most inspirational Instagrammers.Continue reading “Mandy Hale Says Don’t Believe The Swipe When Dating Online”