Apolo Ohno Makes a “Hard Pivot” After Olympics

When you were a kid, did you walk around slightly hunched and swinging one arm after the Olympics? Or am I the only one who imitated winter Olympians? Ok. It’s just me. I was (am) a dork. Whatever.

Anyways, I was slightly obsessed with Apolo Anton Ohno and his bandana-wrapped long hair as a child, so seeing a book from him made my inner child quite happy (even though he’s all grown up and the locks are short). It’s called Hard Pivot and focuses on helping people reinvent their lives during a season of change. Doesn’t sound like our current world at all, does it? Lol.

In Hard Pivot, Ohno shares about his journey from leaving speedskating in the past and shifting into the business world. He shares about the principles, practices, and people who helped him make it happen. If you’ve read a personal growth book before, chances are you’ve heard a lot of the advice. Gratitude, exercise, and meditation are among the frequently mentioned pointers. The difference is the sprinkling of stories about his training. (TBH, I wanted more of those, but that doesn’t really fit the point of the book. Oh well.)

Ohno also includes exercises throughout the book to help the reader figure out their own path. I didn’t do them since I was reading on a deadline, but they could be helpful for someone taking the time to really focus on them.

Hard Pivot is pretty short, so it’s not an intimidating at all. While I felt like there was something missing, and I still have no idea what that is, it’s a decent choice for someone looking for inspiration to make a major change in their life. And it’s conveniently arriving just as the Winter Games in Beijing end, so it can help ease the Olympic high away for another two years.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Thanks to the publisher for an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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