Nona Jones Is “Killing Comparison”

How many times a day do we compare ourselves to others, especially those we see on social media. I don’t want to think about it. Nona Jones is one of us in that regard, and is opening up about the struggle in her new book, Killing Comparison. I’d never heard of Nona before, but she’sContinue reading “Nona Jones Is “Killing Comparison””

Dave Hollis is “Built Through Courage”

If you’re a Hollis Hater, just skip this one. I am not here for the drama. Dave Hollis is back with his second book, Built Through Courage, which is a nautical-themed map of some challenges he’s faced and how he’s worked through them. This includes touching on his decision to leave a successful career withContinue reading “Dave Hollis is “Built Through Courage””

Dia Wall Was “The Unhappiest One”

If you’ve ever felt like you were the most miserable person in a room despite having the life you’d dreamed of, then this book is for you. In The Unhappiest One, Dia Wall shares her story of overcoming some of life’s hidden struggles. If you haven’t heard of Dia before, allow me to introduce you.Continue reading “Dia Wall Was “The Unhappiest One””

Matt Haig Gives Perspective in “The Comfort Book”

I was a bit nervous about reading Matt Haig’s new title The Comfort Book because The Midnight Library kinda sent me into a bit of a dark funk. (See bottom of this post for thoughts on that book.) But, I sucked it up and cracked open this new one and I’m glad I did. TheContinue reading “Matt Haig Gives Perspective in “The Comfort Book””

Mandy Hale Says Don’t Believe The Swipe When Dating Online

As promised to those of you following @literaryhypewoman on Instagram (as you should!), this week I’m taking a look at Mandy Hale’s fifth release, Don’t Believe The Swipe. You might know her better as “The Single Woman” who has appeared on national news outlets, including Good Morning America as one of its most inspirational Instagrammers.Continue reading “Mandy Hale Says Don’t Believe The Swipe When Dating Online”

Everybody Fights, So Get Better At It With The Holderness Family

While scrolling the ARC site, I saw a pair of familiar faces and immediately added it to my TBR pile. Kim and Penn Holderness are pretty well known for their goofy parody videos, so I was surprised their faces were under the self-help/ relationship genre banner instead of humor. Everybody Fights, So Why Not GetContinue reading “Everybody Fights, So Get Better At It With The Holderness Family”

Enough About Me

No, that’s not a statement on getting on with the bookish discussions. Well, kinda. Enough About Me is the title of a book by MSNBC anchor Richard Lui. It’s about “the unexpected power of selflessness” and released in March 2021. It’s a blend of self-help, research, memoir and some dad-style jokes. Tackling selflessness in aContinue reading “Enough About Me”