“As Seen On TV” By Meredith Schorr

I love a good rom-com, whether that’s in book, movie, or TV form, so when my friends over at Forever sent me an ARC of Meredith Schorr’s novel, As Seen On TV, it went into the definite TBR list (as opposed to the ‘if I have time’ TBR pile. Lol). It didn’t hurt that it followed a journalist, so I had that similarity going.

As Seen On TV follows Adina. She’s a freelance journalist in New York City, and she’s pretty daggum frustrated. Adina is a full-grown adult living with her mom, and finds they are about to lose their home to rent hikes. Her career isn’t going the way she wants, and there’s no growth in being a part-time cycle instructor and barista. And her dating life is non-existent.

She learns of a development planned for a small town upstate, and pitches the story as a real-life Hallmark movie where some outsider is going to put up a fancy building and ruin the town’s charm. But when she gets there, she finds this small town is nothing like what she envisioned. While she’s in a tailspin about what to do for the story, she’s also spending more time with the building’s project manager… who is also nothing like her expectations.

Overall, I enjoyed As Seen On TV. There are a bunch of TV references woven throughout, which are fun, and it’s a generally sweet story. I did think it was a bit too long and could’ve been trimmed to keep a faster pace, but to each their own. I’m also not a big Hallmark movie watcher, so maybe the pace fits more in line with the films that inspired this novel.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

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