Sonia Hartl’s “Heartbreak For Hire”

Show of hands: how many women out there have wanted to get revenge on a guy who screwed you over in some way? We’re talking romantically, in the workplace, any of it. Oh, all of you? Cool. Me too.

Allow me to introduce you to a semi-cathartic read, Heartbreak For Hire by Sonia Hartl. This novel follows one of the four ‘avenging angels’ for a company by the same name as the book. Women hire one of these lovely ladies to destroy the men who have made their life miserable. They specialize in egos, cheaters, grifters, and players, so there’s plenty of coverage.

Honestly, I could read a whole book about those stories because the takedowns are an utter delight. But maybe I’m just a terrible person. *shrug*

Anyways, the queen of destroying egos is Brinkley. Except on one case with a very hot target, she kinda loses her cool and breaks some rules. Mark learns her real name and some very real details about her life. Oh, and she goes back to his place. She realizes her mistake and runs, expecting she’ll have to give a refund, but somehow it worked. Mark is crushed and the client is happy.

But Brinkley can’t stop thinking about him… and then runs into him… and then her boss hires him as part of the new men’s division of H4H.


As much as I love the revenge fantasy side of this story, Brinkley has some depth to her character. She’s got to face some issues with her mom and how that pressure has kept her from following her real dream.

I really did not expect to love Heartbreak For Hire nearly as much as I did. It’s freaking hilarious (I may have sent several quotes to friends while reading it), steamy, fun, and heartfelt where it needs to be. Pack this one up for a summer beach read and you won’t be sorry.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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