Chloe Gong and “Foul Lady Fortune”

The rich writing and worldbuilding of Chloe Gong is back and better than ever. Foul Lady Fortune [Buy Bookshop Amazon] takes place a few years after the events of These Violent Delights [Buy Bookshop Amazon] and Our Violent Ends [Buy Bookshop Amazon]. Those two books were a Romeo and Juliet [Buy Bookshop Amazon] retelling, setContinue reading “Chloe Gong and “Foul Lady Fortune””

“The Ballad of Never After” by Stephanie Garber

Ok y’all. Full disclosure: I read an ARC of The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber [Buy Bookshop Amazon] and needed a minute to process it before I wrote my review… and then forgot to come back to it. It’s now been nearly four months, so my memory might be a little fuzzy inContinue reading ““The Ballad of Never After” by Stephanie Garber”

“A Thousand Heartbeats” by Kiera Cass

I’ve been a Kiera Cass stan for at least a decade. I binged The Selection while on a bike at the gym, which I later only regretted the location in that situation. That series has been finished for a while, and now she’s releasing book number ten, A Thousand Heartbeats. We’re following two characters throughContinue reading ““A Thousand Heartbeats” by Kiera Cass”

Naz Kutub’s “The Loophole”

A year ago, I was at a book festival and spotted a really flashy jacket. The guy was handing out goodie bags to people in line. When he got to me, he asked if I wanted a festival survival pack featuring his upcoming book. It all made sense. His jacket featured the cover of hisContinue reading “Naz Kutub’s “The Loophole””

Alex Aster’s “Lightlark” (And All The Drama)

If you aren’t on TikTok, you might have missed all the drama about a book that releases soon. Alex Aster put her book idea on TikTok and the buzz led to a six-figure publishing deal and Universal bought the rights to Lightlark before it ever hit store shelves. It had really high ratings on Goodreads,Continue reading “Alex Aster’s “Lightlark” (And All The Drama)”

Victoria Aveyard’s “Blade Breaker”

Imma keep this one short and sweet. Victoria Aveyard is one of my favorite authors, so I will read whatever she puts out, and pre-order signed copies whenever they are available. Period. Blade Breaker is her newest novel, and the second book in the Realm Breaker series (which I previously reviewed here.) This review willContinue reading “Victoria Aveyard’s “Blade Breaker””

“Once Upon A Broken Heart” From Stephanie Garber

Did I buy Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber because it was a signed edition? Yes. Did I do any research on what it was about? No. Pretty cover and I’m in. Same first name helped too, but really, I’m a sucker for signed and shiny. Once Upon a Broken Heart is aboutContinue reading ““Once Upon A Broken Heart” From Stephanie Garber”

“Our Violent Ends” from Chloe Gong

If you haven’t read These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong or my review of it, then you might want to do that before reading this post because SPOILERS. Obviously. It’s the second book of a duology, so these things are to be expected. You have been warned. So, Our Violent Ends picks up shortly afterContinue reading ““Our Violent Ends” from Chloe Gong”

Marie Lu Strikes Gold With “Steelstriker”

I have been waiting so long for this one. Okay, it’s only been a year since Skyhunter released, but it feels like longer. And yes, it is my fault that I waited so long to start the ARC (there are/were so many good books releasing this year, I can’t keep up). Anyways, Steelstriker is justContinue reading “Marie Lu Strikes Gold With “Steelstriker””