Marie Lu Strikes Gold With “Steelstriker”

I have been waiting so long for this one.

Okay, it’s only been a year since Skyhunter released, but it feels like longer. And yes, it is my fault that I waited so long to start the ARC (there are/were so many good books releasing this year, I can’t keep up).

Anyways, Steelstriker is just further proof that Marie Lu is a freaking literary marvel. Her worldbuilding and descriptions are top notch. I didn’t have to re-read Skyhunter before digging into this one because the imagery was so vivid, it stuck with me and came back easily.

Now that I’ve referenced that this is a sequel enough and you’ve had a chance to turn away to avoid spoilers, here we go.

Steelstriker picks up a few months after the end of Skyhunter and Talin has gone through her transformation into a Skyhunter. She’s now at Premier Constantine’s side in order to keep her mother safe and alive. She fights their bond as much as possible, as one does when mentally tied to a dictator.

Meanwhile, Red and a few other Strikers are still fighting against the Karensen Federation from the fringes. One of their attacks puts them in the same place as Talin and the Premeir, and sparks Red and Talin to faintly feel their bond once again.

Talin learns that there are more people working as part of the rebellion than she originally thought, and partners with them in an effort to free her friends, her mother, and her home countries from the oppression of Constantine. Unfortunately, things aren’t always how they seem.

But on the plus side, our beloved Skyhunters finally have a little chat about their feelings for each other. Finally!

I’m sure this comes as no surprise, but I loved this duology. It’s so beautifully written that it’s hard to not enjoy letting your mind paint the scenes to go along with Lu’s words. Also, both the dust jacket and actual cover of the hardcovers are gorgeous, so grab you some!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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