“When Sparks Fly” From Helena Hunting

I’m still trying to wrap my brain around some parts of Helena Hunting’s newest romance novel, When Sparks Fly. It’s a wild one, y’all. This novel gives us perspective from both main characters, Avery and Declan. They have been best friends since college and now live together. Yes, there are as many buried feelings asContinue reading ““When Sparks Fly” From Helena Hunting”

Evie Dunmore’s “Portrait Of A Scotsman”

When the pandemic first forced my lazy butt to set up a digital arc site account instead of nabbing them at the bookstore, one of the first I downloaded was Evie Dunmore’s A Rogue of One’s Own, then hit up the library for the first in the ‘League of Extraordinary Women’ series, Bringing Down TheContinue reading “Evie Dunmore’s “Portrait Of A Scotsman””

Ali Hazelwood Ponders “The Love Hypothesis”

I added The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood to my digital ARC shelf a few months ago, solely based on the cover. I kinda forgot about it in the overwhelming nature of how many books are on said shelf until it started popping up in my socials, and I jumped into reading it for myself.Continue reading “Ali Hazelwood Ponders “The Love Hypothesis””

Jayci Lee Throws Down “The Dating Dare”

Here I am again… fessing up to reading a book two without realizing a first book existed. Clearly, I need to pay more attention when I nab digital ARCs. At least with this style of serialized romance novels, you can jump in out of order and the story will make sense. You’ll just meet aContinue reading “Jayci Lee Throws Down “The Dating Dare””

Brina Starler Modernizes “Anne of Green Gables” in “Anne of Manhattan”

I grew up loving Anne of Green Gables. It’s not really a surprise because what redhead doesn’t latch on to the few characters with copper locks? (#representationmatters!) Needless to say, seeing Brina Starler’s Anne of Manhattan pop up made me giddy. I mean, a modern romance retelling of Anne’s story? SIGN ME UP. Anne ofContinue reading “Brina Starler Modernizes “Anne of Green Gables” in “Anne of Manhattan””

Nicola Marsh Ends “The Man Ban”

First off, I must admit that I did not realize The Man Ban by Nicola Marsh was a sequel until I reached the acknowledgements… so shame on me for not paying attention. I don’t know that reading The Boy Toy would change my thoughts too much since they follow different characters, and the main personContinue reading “Nicola Marsh Ends “The Man Ban””

Tessa Bailey Shares How “It Happened One Summer”

If you loved Schitt’s Creek, then Tessa Bailey’s new rom-com needs to be on your TBR list. It Happened One Summer has some serious Alexis vibes, if Alexis ended up in a fishing town instead of a hotel in the middle of nowhere. Piper is a Los Angeles socialite, thanks to her mom’s second husbandContinue reading “Tessa Bailey Shares How “It Happened One Summer””

Jasmine Guillory Goes Hollywood With “While We Were Dating”

If you haven’t jumped on board with Jasmine Guillory’s Wedding Date series, what on earth are you waiting for? I mean, The Proposal was a Reese Witherspoon Book Club selection, so you know it’s a good time. (And that one wasn’t even my favorite!) We’re now on the sixth book in this delightful series. WhileContinue reading “Jasmine Guillory Goes Hollywood With “While We Were Dating””

Bridget Morrisey’s “Love Scenes”

If you’ve been around this site at all, you’ve probably figured out that I dig a good romcom. That also applies to movies. So, when I read the blurb about Bridget Morrisey’s adult debut, Love Scenes, I had high hopes. Thankfully, this rose to the occasion. Love Scenes follows Sloane Ford shortly after being writtenContinue reading “Bridget Morrisey’s “Love Scenes””

Jen Frederick Pours Out “Heart And Seoul”

It is 1:30 in the morning and I just finished reading Heart and Seoul by Jen Frederick. There was no waiting to write about this beautiful story because it has my whole heart right now. I got a copy of this book while trying to win one for my sister. I saw Christina Lauren hadContinue reading “Jen Frederick Pours Out “Heart And Seoul””