Marie Lu Gives Us “Stars and Smoke”

I’m a big fan of Marie Lu‘s Skyhunter duology [Buy Bookshop Amazon], so when the opportunity to get my hands on an early copy of her next novel came up, I jumped on it. My friend and I both got an advanced bound manuscript of Stars and Smoke at YALLFest, and decided to read itContinue reading “Marie Lu Gives Us “Stars and Smoke””

Marie Lu Strikes Gold With “Steelstriker”

I have been waiting so long for this one. Okay, it’s only been a year since Skyhunter released, but it feels like longer. And yes, it is my fault that I waited so long to start the ARC (there are/were so many good books releasing this year, I can’t keep up). Anyways, Steelstriker is justContinue reading “Marie Lu Strikes Gold With “Steelstriker””