Ali Hazelwood’s STEMinist Novellas

Pretty much everyone on bookstagram is still obsessed with Ali Hazelwood’s delightful debut, The Love Hypothesis. To tide us over until Love on the Brain releases, Hazelwood dropped a trilogy of novellas on audiobook. Now that I’ve listened to all three, here’s a trilogy of mini reviews for your entertainment. Under One Roof:This was myContinue reading “Ali Hazelwood’s STEMinist Novellas”

Tessa Bailey Shares How “It Happened One Summer”

If you loved Schitt’s Creek, then Tessa Bailey’s new rom-com needs to be on your TBR list. It Happened One Summer has some serious Alexis vibes, if Alexis ended up in a fishing town instead of a hotel in the middle of nowhere. Piper is a Los Angeles socialite, thanks to her mom’s second husbandContinue reading “Tessa Bailey Shares How “It Happened One Summer””

Cameron Hamilton and Lauren Speed On Their “Leap of Faith” into “Love Is Blind”

I am not the dating show type of gal. I’ve never watched a single episode of anything Bachelor/Bachelorette or anything else from that genre… except “Love is Blind” on Netflix. A few girls at work were talking about it so I gave it a shot because the concept is nuts. It quickly sucked me in,Continue reading “Cameron Hamilton and Lauren Speed On Their “Leap of Faith” into “Love Is Blind””

Jen Frederick Pours Out “Heart And Seoul”

It is 1:30 in the morning and I just finished reading Heart and Seoul by Jen Frederick. There was no waiting to write about this beautiful story because it has my whole heart right now. I got a copy of this book while trying to win one for my sister. I saw Christina Lauren hadContinue reading “Jen Frederick Pours Out “Heart And Seoul””

Nicola Yoon’s “Instructions For Dancing”

I’m a big fan of Nicola Yoon’s first two books Everything, Everything and The Sun Is Also A Star and their subsequent movies (shoutout to my fellow K-State Wildcat, Charles Melton!), so seeing a new title from her was an automatic yes. Instructions For Dancing has a cute cover which just so happens to coordinateContinue reading “Nicola Yoon’s “Instructions For Dancing””

Christina Lauren’s Next Level Chemistry In The Soulmate Equation

Believe me when I say, I’ve been excited about this new modern romance from Christina Lauren for MONTHS. The Soulmate Equation was the first book I took photos of when I decided to start the blog. While that’s partly because the flowers I grabbed at the store that week went with the cover perfectly, it’sContinue reading “Christina Lauren’s Next Level Chemistry In The Soulmate Equation”

Mandy Hale Says Don’t Believe The Swipe When Dating Online

As promised to those of you following @literaryhypewoman on Instagram (as you should!), this week I’m taking a look at Mandy Hale’s fifth release, Don’t Believe The Swipe. You might know her better as “The Single Woman” who has appeared on national news outlets, including Good Morning America as one of its most inspirational Instagrammers.Continue reading “Mandy Hale Says Don’t Believe The Swipe When Dating Online”

To Love And To Loathe

Summer is right around the corner, so it’s time to start thinking about the romance reads to pack for the beach. With the continued buzz around Bridgerton on Netflix gearing up for season two, I’m feeling the historical vibes. To Love And To Loathe is book two in Martha Waters’ Regency Vows series. If youContinue reading “To Love And To Loathe”