“Bright” By Jessica Jung

I have been waiting for this one for what feels like forever. I originally won an ARC of Jessica Jung‘s debut novel, Shine back in 2020. I passed it on to my sister because she loves K-pop, but ended up reading a digital ARC with her. Friend, I did not expect to be consumed byContinue reading ““Bright” By Jessica Jung”

“Once Upon A Broken Heart” From Stephanie Garber

Did I buy Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber because it was a signed edition? Yes. Did I do any research on what it was about? No. Pretty cover and I’m in. Same first name helped too, but really, I’m a sucker for signed and shiny. Once Upon a Broken Heart is aboutContinue reading ““Once Upon A Broken Heart” From Stephanie Garber”

V.E. Schwab Takes Us To “Gallant”

When V.E. Schwab writes a book, the internet gets buzzy. Thems the rules of book world. This time, Gallant is the one getting all the attention. Gallant starts out in an orphanage, following a girl named Olivia who can’t speak, but does see fragments of dead bodies, which she calls ghouls. As you can imagine,Continue reading “V.E. Schwab Takes Us To “Gallant””

“Our Violent Ends” from Chloe Gong

If you haven’t read These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong or my review of it, then you might want to do that before reading this post because SPOILERS. Obviously. It’s the second book of a duology, so these things are to be expected. You have been warned. So, Our Violent Ends picks up shortly afterContinue reading ““Our Violent Ends” from Chloe Gong”

“These Violent Delights” By Chloe Gong

Retellings of the classics are everywhere right now. Some are done better than others, and Chloe Gong’s These Violent Delights is definitely on the list of more imaginative takes. I mean, it’s Romeo and Juliette… but in 1920’s Shanghai… with gang feuds… and monsters. It sounds like a mess, but I think it works, eventually.Continue reading ““These Violent Delights” By Chloe Gong”

Marissa Meyer Edits “Serendipity”

This will probably be the first blog I post in the new year, so let’s get 2021 started on the right foot! With books, obviously! But, in order to start the year the right way, I gotta tell you that Serendipity (edited by Marissa Meyer) is billed as “Ten Romantic Tropes Transformed” and that isContinue reading “Marissa Meyer Edits “Serendipity””

Marie Lu Strikes Gold With “Steelstriker”

I have been waiting so long for this one. Okay, it’s only been a year since Skyhunter released, but it feels like longer. And yes, it is my fault that I waited so long to start the ARC (there are/were so many good books releasing this year, I can’t keep up). Anyways, Steelstriker is justContinue reading “Marie Lu Strikes Gold With “Steelstriker””

Kendare Blake And “All These Bodies”

Welp. I wasn’t going to start on the full spooky season books for a couple weeks, but Kendare Blake‘s new young adult novel seems to fit that bill and I’m okay with it. So let’s celebrate the start of fall with some good ol’ fashioned murder. All These Bodies is set in the 1950’s, (whichContinue reading “Kendare Blake And “All These Bodies””

Kiera Cass Wraps Up “The Betrayed” With “The Betrothed”

Kiera Cass became one of my favorite authors with The Selection series and I’m always pumped to read something new from her. While The Betrothed wasn’t quite to the same level as those five books plus novellas and generally not regarded well, I was still ready for this red beauty, The Betrayed. I mean, THATContinue reading “Kiera Cass Wraps Up “The Betrayed” With “The Betrothed””