“Make a Wish” by Helena Hunting

Brace yourself: this review is about a third and final book in a trilogy. If you haven’t already read When Sparks Fly [Buy Bookshop Amazon] and Starry-Eyed Love [Buy Bookshop Amazon] by Helena Hunting, then you might want to bookmark this and come back. Or, if you’re an agent of chaos and don’t mind a mild spoiler or two (I mean, they are romance books, so….), then carry on reading.

Book three in this series is Make A Wish [Buy Bookshop Amazon] and we’re following the youngest Spark sister, Harley, as she finds love. We get a little peak into her past to start this novel. Harley worked as a live-in nanny for a man who lost his wife in childbirth for about a year-and-a-half. Harley adores little Peyton and knows Gavin is having a hard time. While consoling him in the middle of the night, Harley almost kisses Gavin. Soon after, Gavin announces he and Peyton are moving away to be closer to his dead wife’s family, leaving Harley feeling so guilty, she gives up on the gig to work with her sisters.

Now, she’s part of all the Spark House chaos, but still grappling to find the place where she truly fits as the company grows. While working her last birthday party, Gavin and Peyton show up while Harley is holding her baby niece mid-blowout all over her fairy godmother costume. Lovely. Gavin and Peyton recently moved back and the trio awkwardly agree to meet up.

You can see where this is going.

Personally, Make a Wish was my favorite of the series. Harley was always my favorite sister just based on her name and being less annoying than the others in the first two books, but this just made me love her more. This story is so complicated with family issues on both of their parts. They also have to confront the past in order to move forward. It’s a beautiful story of belonging mixed in with the age gap and second chance tropes, and a single dad who adores his little girl.

Plus, there’s glitter! What more could you ask for?

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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