Amy Lea is “Set On You”

If I can’t walk tomorrow, it’s all this book’s fault. I needed a picture of Set On You by Amy Lea to go with the review and the gym was a logical place to take a picture of a romance novel set in a gym. But one cannot simply go to the gym to take a picture and leave without looking like a weirdo. Thus, I worked out for the first time in a while and I will hurt later.

But don’t let that stop you from picking up Set On You!

Our heroine in this story is Crystal. She’s a half-Asian and curvy fitness influencer on Instagram, just out here promoting self-love and positivity. But along comes this mystery man taking her beloved favorite squat rack… like a jerk. She tries to confront him but he blows her off. It leads to a bit of a snarky back and forth until Crystal marches into the men’s locker room to confront him for another one of his sins… but ends up making out with him. Totally normal.

Things can never be so simple, so this mystery man ends up tied to her personal life too, where she learns his name is Scott and he’s a firefighter. He also happens to look like a Marvel superhero, so he’s got that going for him too.

I enjoyed this book because it felt pretty genuine and relatable. I too am a curvy girl who used to be way more into sports and has a boyfriend who looks like a Marvel character. (Granted, my boyfriend actually does dress up as Thor or Hawkeye for events with schools, children’s hospitals, and police departments, so maybe that resonated more with me that it normally would have.) Crystal has to face down a lot of insecurity and anxiety caused by past relationships, while Scotty is just out here trying to prove he’s not trash like her ex, Neil.

It kinda sucks how bad past relationships can screw with good ones in the present. Why don’t we have a trauma eraser already? Geez!

Anyways, Set on You is a sweet romance with a strong, diverse lead and I am here for it. I also loved how she chases what she wants to create her own path, not what her dad tells her she should do. I approve. Docking it a half star for repeated incorrect usage of bring/take and that she constantly calls the locker room a changeroom, which I’ve never heard anyone say, ever, and it annoyed me. Lol, what can ya do?!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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