Lucy Foley Explores “The Paris Apartment”

Get in losers. It’s time to solve the case! Lucy Foley of The Hunting Party and The Guest List notoriety is back with a new mystery for us.

The Paris Apartment takes place in an apartment in Paris, which I know you’re shocked about. As in Foley’s style, she tells the story of Jess’s visit to her brother’s place from multiple perspectives. Ben left her a voicemail with directions and said he’d be there, but when Jess arrives, he’s not there. She finds a few shady things and starts her quest to figure out what happened.

The thing is, everyone is pretty shady in this joint. They also admit to Ben being the cause of some drama right off the bat.

Foley does a great job building the suspense at the beginning, and the ending gets pretty wild. But, The Paris Apartment does have a slightly soggy middle. I wasn’t as engaged with the story for a while, possibly because of one little mention that doesn’t get revisited for far too long in my opinion, but then things picked up again and next thing you know, it’s 4 a.m. and I’m finished. I guess you could call it a rollercoaster.

This is a short review because most of the things I want to say are spoilery. If you want those thoughts, shoot me a message on here or on social media and we shall discuss.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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