Chilling Summer: “Survive The Night” With Riley Sager

Riley Sager is back this summer with a new thriller read and it’s a fun one. Survive The Night takes us back to the not-so-far away time where we didn’t have social media and cell phones to help us cyberstalk someone or figure out where on earth we are.

Charlie is a college student looking to leave school for good shortly after her roommate and best friend is murdered. The guilt of being the last person to see Maddie and leaving her at a bar alone that night is too much for her to handle. She’s also upset about being no help to investigators due to her hallucinations (which feel like watching a movie to her).

So, as a college student in the 1990s would do, posts a flier in search of a ride home. A guy nearby the board offers and she accepts… because people used to be so daggum trusting back in the day and make it easy on serial killers, but I digress.

Not a spoiler since it’s basically the first page of the book, but Charlie finds herself in a car with a suspected killer… she thinks. It’s a battle of what’s real and what her mind is making up, all while driving through the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. She knows she’s got to do something, but that’s easier said than done.

I found Survive The Night to be just plain fun. It’s chock full of movie references, suspense, and some delightful twists. (I literally giggled out loud at the final twist.) It’s not one to take too seriously. Just enjoy the ride.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I enjoyed Riley Sager’s books <a href=”http://<a target=”_blank” href=”″>Final Girls: A Novel</a>” data-type=”URL” data-id=”<a target=”_blank” href=”″>Final Girls: A NovelFinal Girls (despite some issues writing women which have improved) and Home Before Dark, and have been meaning to read Lock Every Door and The Last Time I Lied. Definitely check those out and weigh in on the ultimate Riley Sager rankings. (Right now, I’m at Survive The Night, Final Girls, Home Before Dark, but I could be convinced to flip the latter two.)

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