Erin Hahn’s “Built To Last”

I really enjoyed Erin Hahn‘s last book Never Saw You Coming, so I was really excited to get my hands on her latest literary achievement and adult romance debut, Built To Last. It did not disappoint. Built To Last is a dual perspective, second chance romance. (Second chance was my accidental official trope of October.Continue reading “Erin Hahn’s “Built To Last””

Ali Hazelwood’s STEMinist Novellas

Pretty much everyone on bookstagram is still obsessed with Ali Hazelwood’s delightful debut, The Love Hypothesis. To tide us over until Love on the Brain releases, Hazelwood dropped a trilogy of novellas on audiobook. Now that I’ve listened to all three, here’s a trilogy of mini reviews for your entertainment. Under One Roof:This was myContinue reading “Ali Hazelwood’s STEMinist Novellas”

Codi Hall Plays “Nick and Noel’s Christmas Playlist”

Yes, Christmas is over, but it’s still winter, so suck it. Nick and Noel’s Christmas Playlist by Codi Hall might have Christmas in the title, but I don’t feel like it’s solely a holiday book. There are events around the Christmas season, but aside from the ridiculously cheesy names tied to December 25th (Merry, Holly,Continue reading “Codi Hall Plays “Nick and Noel’s Christmas Playlist””

“The Love Con” by Seressia Glass

Man, oh man, do I love a good pop culture convention. It was a highlight of the year to get back together with my nerds (Planet Comicon, I’m looking at you. Not San Diego, New York, or C2E2 with their weak lineups that I was okay skipping/leaving early). That being said, it should be noContinue reading ““The Love Con” by Seressia Glass”

“No Words” From Meg Cabot

I grew up with Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi in my life, therefore I love Meg Cabot. It really is that simple, okay. Team Princess Diaries for life. Books and movies. At BookCon 2019, I ended up getting to briefly meet Meg while getting an ARC of her new romance series signed, and I was aContinue reading ““No Words” From Meg Cabot”