Tessa Bailey Catches Us “Hook, Line, & Sinker”

A little over two years ago, I picked up a Tessa Bailey ARC, and now here I am, a romance reader and big fan of Bailey’s. Hook, Line, and Sinker is the sixth book of hers I’ve read and it’s one of my favorites. Just order a copy now and do yourself a favor. Hook,Continue reading “Tessa Bailey Catches Us “Hook, Line, & Sinker””

“Window Shopping” With Tessa Bailey

I love me some Tessa Bailey books, so I was pumped to get my hands on her latest novel, Window Shopping. It took a little extra effort, since it’s a self-published novel and a lot of bookstores didn’t have a copy on hand. You’ve probably seen it all over social media this holiday season, andContinue reading ““Window Shopping” With Tessa Bailey”