Nona Jones Is “Killing Comparison”

How many times a day do we compare ourselves to others, especially those we see on social media. I don’t want to think about it. Nona Jones is one of us in that regard, and is opening up about the struggle in her new book, Killing Comparison. I’d never heard of Nona before, but she’sContinue reading “Nona Jones Is “Killing Comparison””

Matt Haig Gives Perspective in “The Comfort Book”

I was a bit nervous about reading Matt Haig’s new title The Comfort Book because The Midnight Library kinda sent me into a bit of a dark funk. (See bottom of this post for thoughts on that book.) But, I sucked it up and cracked open this new one and I’m glad I did. TheContinue reading “Matt Haig Gives Perspective in “The Comfort Book””