Ali Hazelwood’s STEMinist Novellas

Pretty much everyone on bookstagram is still obsessed with Ali Hazelwood’s delightful debut, The Love Hypothesis. To tide us over until Love on the Brain releases, Hazelwood dropped a trilogy of novellas on audiobook. Now that I’ve listened to all three, here’s a trilogy of mini reviews for your entertainment. Under One Roof:This was myContinue reading “Ali Hazelwood’s STEMinist Novellas”

Ali Hazelwood Ponders “The Love Hypothesis”

I added The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood to my digital ARC shelf a few months ago, solely based on the cover. I kinda forgot about it in the overwhelming nature of how many books are on said shelf until it started popping up in my socials, and I jumped into reading it for myself.Continue reading “Ali Hazelwood Ponders “The Love Hypothesis””

Christina Lauren’s Next Level Chemistry In The Soulmate Equation

Believe me when I say, I’ve been excited about this new modern romance from Christina Lauren for MONTHS. The Soulmate Equation was the first book I took photos of when I decided to start the blog. While that’s partly because the flowers I grabbed at the store that week went with the cover perfectly, it’sContinue reading “Christina Lauren’s Next Level Chemistry In The Soulmate Equation”