Holly James Tells “Nothing But The Truth”

Was I the only kid who watched the movie Liar, Liar starring Jim Carrey multiple times throughout their childhood? Please tell me I’m not alone. If you’re also familiar with the movie, then Holly James’ debut novel Nothing But The Truth is the updated spin you didn’t know you needed. I sure didn’t until theContinue reading “Holly James Tells “Nothing But The Truth””

“Once Upon A Broken Heart” From Stephanie Garber

Did I buy Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber because it was a signed edition? Yes. Did I do any research on what it was about? No. Pretty cover and I’m in. Same first name helped too, but really, I’m a sucker for signed and shiny. Once Upon a Broken Heart is aboutContinue reading ““Once Upon A Broken Heart” From Stephanie Garber”