Susan Lee’s “Seoulmates”

Yes, there are two books releasing in 2022 with the name Seoulmates and yes, I read them both. Getting Jen Frederick’s book confused with this one is actually how I ended up meeting the author, Susan Lee… but that’s a story for another day. Today, we are talking about this adorable YA childhood friends toContinue reading “Susan Lee’s “Seoulmates””

“So We Meet Again” by Suzanne Park

Warning: So We Meet Again by Suzanne Park will make you want bulgogi real bad. I haven’t stopped craving Korean food since I started this novel. So We Meet Again introduces us to Jessica Kim, right as she’s getting fired from her fancy banking job on Wall Street in New York City. She moves homeContinue reading ““So We Meet Again” by Suzanne Park”

Jen Frederick’s “Seoulmates”

I have been waiting so long for Seoulmates by Jen Frederick… and by ‘so long’, I mean a year or so since Heart and Seoul, like everyone else. I’m just dramatic sometimes. Before I can dive into book two, there are some key deets to know from the first book. In Heart and Seoul, HaraContinue reading “Jen Frederick’s “Seoulmates””

Jen Frederick Pours Out “Heart And Seoul”

It is 1:30 in the morning and I just finished reading Heart and Seoul by Jen Frederick. There was no waiting to write about this beautiful story because it has my whole heart right now. I got a copy of this book while trying to win one for my sister. I saw Christina Lauren hadContinue reading “Jen Frederick Pours Out “Heart And Seoul””