Naz Kutub’s “The Loophole”

A year ago, I was at a book festival and spotted a really flashy jacket. The guy was handing out goodie bags to people in line. When he got to me, he asked if I wanted a festival survival pack featuring his upcoming book. It all made sense. His jacket featured the cover of hisContinue reading “Naz Kutub’s “The Loophole””

Mazey Eddings Shares “Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake”

Not too long ago, I shared a review of a dental school romance that surprised me with how much I enjoyed it. Now, Mazey Eddings is back with a sequel for A Brush With Love, but Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake feels so different, you could easily read it as a standalone. The two books tieContinue reading “Mazey Eddings Shares “Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake””

Jen Frederick’s “Seoulmates”

I have been waiting so long for Seoulmates by Jen Frederick… and by ‘so long’, I mean a year or so since Heart and Seoul, like everyone else. I’m just dramatic sometimes. Before I can dive into book two, there are some key deets to know from the first book. In Heart and Seoul, HaraContinue reading “Jen Frederick’s “Seoulmates””