Jen Frederick’s “Seoulmates”

I have been waiting so long for Seoulmates by Jen Frederick… and by ‘so long’, I mean a year or so since Heart and Seoul, like everyone else. I’m just dramatic sometimes. Before I can dive into book two, there are some key deets to know from the first book. In Heart and Seoul, HaraContinue reading “Jen Frederick’s “Seoulmates””

Rachel Lynn Solomon’s “Weather Girl”

Y’all, I was so excited to see a new novel from Rachel Lynn Solomon on the way. The Ex Talk was one of my favorite reads of 2021, so I was hopeful for a repeat of wonderful from Weather Girl. Weather Girl introduces us to Ari Abrams, a meteorologist on air during the morning newsContinue reading “Rachel Lynn Solomon’s “Weather Girl””

Dave Hollis is “Built Through Courage”

If you’re a Hollis Hater, just skip this one. I am not here for the drama. Dave Hollis is back with his second book, Built Through Courage, which is a nautical-themed map of some challenges he’s faced and how he’s worked through them. This includes touching on his decision to leave a successful career withContinue reading “Dave Hollis is “Built Through Courage””

Chilling Summer: Kathryn Schleich Explores “Darkness and Grace”

I love a good thriller, so when the lovely people over at Book Publicity Services reached out about reading Kathryn Schleich’s book Darkness and Grace, I said heck yes. It spent a few weeks in the TBR pile, but I’m glad I got to it. First off, Darkness and Grace is based on a trueContinue reading “Chilling Summer: Kathryn Schleich Explores “Darkness and Grace””