“A Merry Little Meet Cute” from Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone

I picked up a free E-ARC of A Merry Little Meet Cute by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone through Edelweiss back in August as part of my Hype TBR game on Youtube. It was the book I picked semi-blindly for the forced proximity prompt, and I am so glad I read it. This book willContinue reading ““A Merry Little Meet Cute” from Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone”

“Window Shopping” With Tessa Bailey

I love me some Tessa Bailey books, so I was pumped to get my hands on her latest novel, Window Shopping. It took a little extra effort, since it’s a self-published novel and a lot of bookstores didn’t have a copy on hand. You’ve probably seen it all over social media this holiday season, andContinue reading ““Window Shopping” With Tessa Bailey”