Emily Henry and “Happy Place”

If there’s one book that the collective internet has been anticipating for 2023, it’s Emily Henry‘s Happy Place. It is all over the place with early reviews, NetGalley rejections, TBR lists, and any other kind of post you could think of. I was among the lucky ones who got a coveted e-ARC approval, so nowContinue reading “Emily Henry and “Happy Place””

Emily Henry and “Book Lovers”

I don’t usually get into something with a lot of hype… but here I am. I haven’t read Emily Henry‘s prior books as of this writing, but the sign calling Book Lovers “Schitt’s Creek for book people” intrigued me and I gave it a shot. Welp, I ended up enjoying Book Lovers a lot moreContinue reading “Emily Henry and “Book Lovers””

Jen Frederick Pours Out “Heart And Seoul”

It is 1:30 in the morning and I just finished reading Heart and Seoul by Jen Frederick. There was no waiting to write about this beautiful story because it has my whole heart right now. I got a copy of this book while trying to win one for my sister. I saw Christina Lauren hadContinue reading “Jen Frederick Pours Out “Heart And Seoul””