Mary Kubica and “Just The Nicest Couple”

The last author event I attended before the COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns was Mary Kubica when she was promoting The Other Mrs. It was a lovely event and I kept reading her stuff, including Local Woman Missing, which I reviewed last year. Now, she’s back with another domestic thriller, Just The Nicest Couple.

This story follows two couples, and we get perspectives from one member of each, Christian and Nina. Christian is married to Lily, and Lily works with Nina. Nina is married to Jake, who disappears the day after an argument with his wife.

Nina’s perspective gives us a look from the wife who knows something is wrong. Yes, she told him to just leave if he wasn’t happy, but she doesn’t believe he would just stop showing up at work if he was leaving her.

Lily was one of the last people to see Jake alive, which raises a whole bunch of questions. Lily shares about it with Christian, so he makes it his mission to help her avoid further… complications… from that encounter.

I think that’s about all I can say without spoiling too much of the story.

Overall, I enjoyed Just The Nicest Couple, but I did have some issues. I read an ARC of it, so I’m hoping at least some will be fixed in the final version. My biggest beef is with the repetitive words. I got real tired of “underpants” in the man’s perspective and “conscientious” from both sides. It was a lot, okay. Some of the sentences were a little weird. I doubt the ending will change in the final version, so all I’ll say is the ‘twist’ is pretty predictable.

Predictable but a decent enough pageturner.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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