Alexa Martin and “Better Than Fiction”

I previously fell in love with Alexa Martin‘s writing a couple years ago when I found The Playbook series…. and read all four of them in a month. Sorry, not sorry. It’s a really fun NFL romance series from a former NFL wife. You better believe I was trying to figure out who the real life inspiration could be for the dramatic stuff. Lol.

After a little fiction detour with Mom Jeans and Other Mistakes (my review here), Martin is back on her romance grind with Better Than Fiction. I’m pretty sure my fellow booklovers will get some enjoyment out of this one.

Better Than Fiction centers on Drew, who recently inherited a bookstore when her grandmother died. Her dad is livid about it and wants to claim it, but that’s a whole different part of the story. Drew is doing her best to keep the store afloat but there’s one minor problem getting in her way: she doesn’t like to read. Not even with the “Dirty Birds”, aka the group of old ladies who hold a book club there.

The “Dirty Birds” try to help her out and go so far as to invite a popular romance author to visit the store for an event. When Jasper Williams shows up, Drew is caught off guard by just how hot he is. The “Dirty Birds” get involved there, and knowing Jasper is staying in the area for a while to write his next book, offer Drew up as his local tour guide. In exchange, Jasper gives Drew a list of books to read with activities to follow each one.

It is adorable and precious and I love the premise. Not only does Drew get to fall in love with a man, she also gets to fall in love with reading and fiction. I am here fore it.

One of my favorite things about Martin’s books is the female friendships. The friends aren’t just side characters. They are completely intertwined with the main character and help them grow as people. I love the support and needling that comes from those scenes and want more of that. Also, more spice, but who doesn’t want that? Lol.

Better Than Fiction is a sweet little adventure (and I do mean adventure. I have new places on my Colorado bucket list now) with some adorable characters. I mean, Jasper could use some real flaws, but oh well. He’s a delight.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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