Jodi Benson Shares “Part Of My World”

If I had a quarter for every time someone called me a mermaid due to my long, red hair, I’d have a good chunk of change. That’s largely due to Ariel and The Little Mermaid, which Jodi Benson voiced back when I was a wee child.

Now, Jodi is giving us a little peek behind the curtain of her life leading up to that major role, and what she’s been through since. Her memoir is called Part of My World, and it’s filled with many ups and downs.

Jodi shares about her early years, how she got started in musical theatre, and the process of recording Ariel’s voice. She also opens up about more personal stories, including dating her now-husband, some rough patches they hit along the way, and miscarriage. Through it all, Jodi weaves in her faith and how that kept her going over the years.

Part of My World was such an easy read. She doesn’t overcomplicate things with big words to sound smart like some other celebrities do in their memoir. It feels like a friend is catching you up on their life, and it reads with the genuine kindness I’ve seen her exhibit while talking to fans in person or on stage in a panel. She really is the embodiment of a Disney princess, but in a realistic way.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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