Susannah Nix’s “Pint of Contention”

I’m here for any excuse to eat some ice cream, and the King Family series definitely qualifies.

Pint of Contention is Susannah Nix‘s newest installment in the series, which follows a family that runs an ice cream company. While Tanner and Wyatt’s stories involved a bit more talk of the ice cream, this one falls on the business side of things.

Maggie moves to Crowder to help King Creameries figure out how to keep the company running, despite signs it could go bankrupt in a few years. She’s used to being alone and keeping everyone at arm’s length due to her job, and she kinda likes it that way.

Until she sees her neighbor working out late at night and kiiiinda spies on him. Okay, she watches him several nights and has some dirty thoughts about him. That neighbor happens to be Ryan, who is kinda part of the King family. (Remember my review for book #2 in the series where I said the family tree is a mess? This is one of those more complicated parts.) Ryan doesn’t have the King family name, but his mom was married to George when Ryan was young, so he’s part of the brood.

Ryan may be a tall, beefy, kind, well-respected firefighter, but he has no plans to get involved with any women. He got around town a bit in his younger years, but after learning he could have a gene that would cause him to get ALS in the future, he’s not interested in dragging someone into watching him die slowly. So, he’s been pretty much alone for a while… until he spots Maggie spying on him.

I love how stubborn and confident Maggie is, and how she and Ryan really challenge each other to grow. This book isn’t as steamy as others, but it’s got a pretty solid depth to it as they deal with some serious issues.

The end of Pint of Contention sets up the next book in the King family series, Mint To Be, with a character we haven’t heard too much about before. It’s also a set up to a spinoff series, which will start with Kilt To Order. I don’t know how Susannah keeps it all straight!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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