Mazey Eddings Shares “Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake”

Not too long ago, I shared a review of a dental school romance that surprised me with how much I enjoyed it. Now, Mazey Eddings is back with a sequel for A Brush With Love, but Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake feels so different, you could easily read it as a standalone. The two books tie together through Hazel and Lizzie’s friendship, but you don’t need to know Hazel’s story to enjoy Lizzie’s.

Lizzie is trying to keep her life together, but she feels like a giant mess most of the time. So of course, a hookup with a hot Australian stranger leaves her finding out she’s pregnant shortly after losing her job for being late twice in one day. She decides to keep the baby and tells the dad, Rake. Rake then decides to move to America to be part of his child’s life, but they have a lot to learn about each other along the way.

I’m not a fan of pregnancy trope in romance, but this one didn’t annoy me. In my head, it became secondary to so many other more interesting aspects of the story, including the romance and Lizzie’s personal struggles.

Maybe I liked this story so much because Lizzie is a loud redhead with ADHD who has some trouble connecting with her family. This character really felt like a combination of me and one of my closest friends in a weird but wonderful way. I can’t wait for my friend to read it too and see if it feels like Mazey stole from our conversations. Lol. Anyways, my point is, it is so nice to see the mind of someone with adult ADHD portrayed in such a genuine way on the page, so kudos to Mazey for highlighting her experience through this book. We love to see such beautiful representation.


One thing I loved about Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake is how things end with her relationship with her parents. Toxic relationships can cause so much damage and you often hear people say to just accept it because they are family. I appreciated Mazey so much for not giving that relationship the happy ending we’re so used to seeing. Lizzie stands up for herself, her mental health, and her future family by saying enough is enough and cutting it off and I really enjoyed reading that happy ending for her.


I really enjoyed both of Mazey Eddings’ books and look forward to what she writes next. Get yourself a copy of Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake and let me know what you think!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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